Event Storming – basics

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In this article i will write about event storming basics. So if you're advanced in this topic please do not pay attention to details and skip this because it can be time wasting.

Event storming is a discovery and planning method to achieve some architecture goals and provide Business Domain informations in DDD. It often is conduced in teams. Specifically between business and domain experts (developers).

Event storming stickies colours and importance

Event Storming notes colours summary:
Orange - Event in past tense
Blue - Actions and activities (Commands)
Red - Question and things we have to do
Purple - Policy or business role - Aggreate contains them because is the bag of roles.
Yellow - Human (Actor) activities or entities.
Pink - External systems (from outside world)

Green - External actor, external UI kind of think, some act to do besides of process.
Good advice: Do not place stickies too close, it can affect to readability.

Event storming steps

  1. Determine naming convention and nomenclatures.
  2. Place events on the board.
  3. Put activities, try to collect some questions about processes. Also remember about parallelzing notes when processes can be execute in the same time. Also "happy" and end paths can be marked with some kind of x symbol with corresponding colors.
  4. Determine the entites.
  5. Prepare contexts.
  6. Prepare context maps.
  7. Prepare entity maps.