Is time to talk about some utils command. I separated them into coresponding categories. Hope it will be clear. Special thanks for Michał for help with learn some interesting commands.
System informations
- uname -r, -n, -a, -v - get system specific details like system name, device network name, distribution version.
- lshw - reading general hardware informations from /proc files.
- dmicode -t memory , system, bios, processor - read informatons about hardware from DMI tables.
System status
- tail -f /var/log/syslog - Fallow system commands and detect failures.
- cat /var/log/boot.log - Check boot logs.
- tail -f /var/log/daemon.log - Check linux deamon logs which corresponding to events.
- tail -f /var/log/kern.log - Check linux kernels logs.
- free -h - check current memory status (of any type like swap or logic). This command provide details like buffer size, used memory and total memory.
- htop - software to check memory usage in realtime with sorting.
Disk management
Disk management commands can be usefull for check disk health, partitions or free space. You can se below several ways to achieve some effects:
- lsbk -a (list block) - command can be used for check mount points, sizes and paths of hard drive partitions with types.
- du -cks * | sort -rn | head - check disk usage whole directory
- fdisk - partitions management.
- hdparam - print informations about sata devices.
- lsusb - list usb devices.
- watch -n.1 "grep \"^[c]pu Mhz\" /proc/cpuinfo - watch realtime cores frequencies.